International hydropower investment assessment

Client: Hydro Tasmania
Location: India, southern Africa and south-east Asia
Date: March 2012 – March 2013

Identifying hydropower regions and projects to guide potential investment.


Hydro Tasmania engaged Entura to undertake a desktop assessment of the hydropower potential in the south-east Asian, Indian and southern African regions, and to shortlist six potential projects that fit agreed technical and investment criteria including political stability, good hydropower potential and favourable investment markets.


Entura assessed potential hydropower projects and delivered a ‘Hydropower investment assessment of south-east Asia, India and southern Africa 2012’ report.

Phase 1 involved an inception report and country assessment, in which Entura delivered a proposed assessment methodology, financial investment criteria, technical evaluation criteria, and country evaluation ranking. Phase 1 was approved before proceeding to Phase 2.

In Phase 2, potential data on specific projects was gathered and assessed against financial and technical viability using the agreed ranking system.

Data collected on new and existing markets from many sources was consolidated and assessed using a structured and consistent technical and financial scorecard matrix to evaluate key countries and projects for suitability of potential investment.


Entura’s technical and project experience, depth of knowledge and strong contacts in the hydropower industry in the identified regions enhanced Entura’s capacity to gather relevant information on suitable countries and projects to guide the client’s consideration of potential future investment.

The project resulted in the client considering targeted due diligence on selected projects, and pursuing ongoing discussions with key identified stakeholders.